Sunday, February 13, 2011

Ta-dah! :D

The final result of my WIP. I'd half thought up this idea of a girl with long hair and I was pondering on it on the ride home when Airplanes by B.O.B. featuring Haley Williams played on the radio and it just clicked. I'm unbelievably happy with this even though it didn't turn out exactly as I had seen it.
Your thoughts?

Saturday, February 12, 2011


A WIP of what I'm working on at the moment. Kudos to whoever can figure out what song inspired this one.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Pink Little Dreams

Caution: This image may cause an overdose of pink that will make your eyes sting.
I kid, I kid.

Well, maybe not so much.
Oh my goodness, did I just upload some photography instead of digital art? Why yes I did. It never hurts to be well-rounded and photography’s loads of fun. It is not my forte but I love experimenting with it, but it really isn't much more than a hobby since drawing (and animation in the future) is my main focus.
The little crown-on-a-pillow-thing there is a little box that came with a porcelain Princess Aurora doll, i also have a Cinderella and Belle one (The Belle box is gorgeous, it has a rose on top and its just beautiful...). That teddy bear-on-a-swing used to be my mother's so it’s kind of old, and that wrist is filled with bracelets I've accumulated since I was a little girl.
So this is what happens when I try to do something hardcore (referring to my last post), I have like a withdrawal and my next project ends pumped up on girliness like an athlete on steroids.